
Video files are huge, and projects can be hundreds of gigabytes. Production companies store them on hard drives and servers.


A series of still images to help you imagine what the film will look like.

Stream / Live Stream

A video that is not recorded, but broadcast directly to the viewing platform.


A room where the light can be controlled and the sound is acceptable for filming.

Style frame

A still image – usually a mockup of one frame of an animated film – to help you decide on the final style. Similar to a mood-board.


On-screen text of what a person in a video is saying, usually for hearing-impaired audiences or translations.


The term is used to let others know when the production is finished for the day, the equipment is packed, and everyone is in their cars, driving away (and their taillights can be seen). Insider lingo.


An actor and or animal who performs in front of a camera.

Television Truck / Television Broadcast Truck

Large trucks specifically built with studios and equipment to broadcast events.

The Greens Department

Every tree, bush, flower, and vine you see in a movie (unless the scene was filmed in an exterior location) has been rented or purchased. The member of the film crew who’s responsible for renting, replanting, arranging, taking care of, and ultimately returning all these plants is the greensman.